Thats right I did. It sat in the garage since Christmas and I finally decided to finish it.
I was going to paint it white because I look white furniture, it just gives it a more feminine look. Anyway I started sanding it and the wood was really nice so I decided to stain it. I wanted a more natural look so I went with a honey colored stain. I forgot to take a picture before. We got it for $40 of craigslist. The lady selling it said she was going to take it to the dump! So I sanded it with 150grit all the way around with my new sander which I LOVE! It uses 1/4 of the regular sand paper sheets so its WAY more cost effective than my old mouse sander.
This is what is looked like a little bit when I bought it, I have already taken all the finish off. I broke off the legs because it was too high for what we wanted to use it for (tv stand)

then I decided to stain it with a honey color I had in my garage and it came out much darker than it had on the pine table I used it for previously. 
We had alot of trouble finding a top coat and one of the top coats we went with ruined the color so I had to resand the whole thing! I just lightly re-sanded it with 320 to get the top coat off and then re-stained it and then waxed it. It is sooo smooth. We really like it so far. Well Daniel really likes it. I think it looks really masculine. But oh well. Here was the area before

I figured out that the wood it red birch. It was a really nice grain. When I looked at the drawers I noticed the dovetails
That is what made me decide to stain it. So I sanded it all down with the 150 and then found this:
It didn't matter how much I sanded the old imprint of the hardware way bleached in for some reason, so I had to keep them. These sides were a bugger to sand. There was alot of cat stratch damage. But it got it nice and smooth.
and here it is now(at night time so really bad light)
Another project out of the garage and now the tv is safe from little hands.