
Thursday, May 5, 2011

My New Bench

I found this small coffee table at Savers a few weeks ago (I did not take a before, you can use your imagination it looked like a coffee table :) ). I LOVED the legs. So I brought it home and sanded it down. My husband looked at me like "What the heck is that" He is not a big or small fan of adding more furniture onto the "needs changing" pile. I was so disappointed when it SMELLED LIKE ANIMAL YOU KNOW WHAT. I was familiar with this smell because that was the lingering smell in our house when we bought it. However I got it out of the cement and floors upstairs so I knew this little coffee table would be a breeze. I cleaned it off (and threw the rag away because it now smelled) and then put two layers of kilz paint on it all. Then two coats of semi gloss white paint.

I did the smell test and No more smell. Anyway I wanted a bench for the entry way. So I ran to Joannes. They are currently having a 50% off all red tag fabric!! So I bought some outdoor fabric I liked for $3.50 a yard ( I have three small children so outdoor fabric is usually what I choose, they already licked some jelly beans and placed them on the bench. The little dye marks came right off with some water and a rag!!) I only used one yard. I bought some foam (EXPENSIVE) it cost me $18.00 with the 40% off coupon. It was 3 inches thick. I put it on top of the coffee table wood and then cut with scissors (my hand hurt after the fact) I didn't want to use the sewing machine on this so I didn't :) I used my staple gun. It worked (but my hand hurt even more).
It would look better with some sewing machine help but I don't want to :) So here it is in the front entryway. A really simple project (It would have been more simple without the animal smells).

love the legs, simple with a tiny bit of detail
Cost breakdown

$10.oo for the coffee table
$18.00 for the foam
$3.50 for the fabric
I had all the other things on hand so for me its was $31.50 not great but not bad! I want to try reusing foam for any future projects from chairs or something.

The great news is that the husband REALLY LIKES IT! YAY.

Here is a tip if you want to do this. Find a coffee table where the legs or frame can be removed from the table top, it makes covering a breeze (thing recovering a dining room chair)

linking up with:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating

Stuff and Nonsense

Furniture Feature Fridays


  1. Looks awesome and the fabric is beautiful. I did something similar, but only used the legs off a coffee table. It's been one of my favorite projects. Here's the one I did.
    I'm going to follow along to see what other fun projects you come up with.

  2. You did a super job! I have thought about doing this with an old coffee table but wasn't sure how. I don't think I can get the top off of mine, though. :/ I may just end up painting it and using it as a table. But thank you for the tutorial! It looks beautiful.

    I found you from the Chic on a Shoestring party!

  3. Hi - visiting from Finding Fabulous. What a great idea! It turned out great. Question for you - how sturdy is it? I'm guessing one of the tests to see if a table would be right for this is if it is sturdy enough for someone to sit on. BTW - I can relate to the fabric choice...I used outdoor fabric on the pillows and bench seats in my breakfast nook because I have a 4-year-old boy!

  4. Miriam, you inspire me! truly talented and amazing in every way! Hugs!!

  5. That is just darling! You did a fabulous job and I totally cracked up about the jelly beans because it sounds exactly like something my kiddos would do right after I got something finished! :-) I love the little details on the legs too and think your fabric choice was perfect. Thanks for linking this up to Inspiration Friday this week!

  6. Oh I LOVE this!! What a fantastic idea! I have an unwanted coffee table that is sitting in the garage waiting to be utilized. Now I know what to do with it thanks to you!!!!!!

  7. What a fantastic result and idea! Love how this came out! Highlighting at the party tonight- hope to see you there! Thanks for sharing at FNF! :)

  8. We just moved into a new house in may, and we have issues with what we think is cat pee. We ripped out the carpet in our master bedroom and bathroom, and my husband scrubbed the boards with a bleach and water mixture. I think it worked (now it smells like bleach), but I want to know how you conquered your stink. Please let me know!
