
Monday, May 9, 2011

Rocker Style

I am not a fan of rockers. I needed one for my room when I had my son last August so I bought one just at goodwill for $20. It was really ugly and had wood glue all over it. Well I tried to us it and it was really noisy. I was also scared for my carpet because they tend to wear your carpet away. So it sat in my bedroom and was used as a clothes horse. I finally disliked it so much that I put it in the garage so that it could get a coat of white oil based zinser.

My husband asked me where it was going. My response OUTSIDE (that was on a whim, I hate buying things and never using them so I needed to find a purpose for this thing).

I figured cement was the only safe flooring for this very heavy rocker. I happened to be at walmart that night and found 2 cans on rustoleum spray paint on clearance. They were blue and perfect. I then sprayed the rocker and put it outside.

I like it now! I love the bright blue color and now it has a purpose in life: outdoor seating. We are currently landscaping our back yard. My husband seeded a month ago and we are slowly watching the grass grow (that picture is from a few weeks ago) I have seen rockers on porches and I love that look so now I am a fan of the rocker.

I am really excited about our outdoor space. Its not finished but its going to be fantastic! (I really lucked out because my husband is in the landscape business so I can get what I want! :) )

P.S its pretty windy in my town so somethings the rocker is out there creepily rocking all by itself. Creepy.

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1 comment:

  1. I have two rockers on my front porch. For looks only because they really aren't that comfortable. Plus I feel like a Granny sitting on the porch rocking away :). I like the bright blue color you used!
