Thats right I get lots of things from craigslist. Just like all other thrifty sources its hit and miss. Well it was a hit for me the other day. Look what I found

I realize this is kind of ugly but many things are when you first look at them. I saw this and I WANTED IT! AND it was only $5!! You may wonder why I would want this. Well look at this:
forgive the picture, its christmas morning but the only picture I could find
I realize this may look strange three tables in a row but we are working on that. Its kind of an awkward room what with the fireplace in the corner and its on the large side. Anyway see the red table to the right? Well I have been looking for a matching table to go to the left (we just put the gray one in there because it needed some balance) Hopefully now you can understand my excitement about the craigslist find. Its extremely similar. So I went and picked up the table! Now it needs some oil based primer and red spray paint. I will show you when its done.
Then I went on craigslist on Friday morning and found this:

Its a long skinny table with no finish on it! So perfect for paint or stain. I got it for $20. Can't wait to get started on these peices. I can't figure out if this will be a behind the sofa table or next to the wall under a frame table. We shall see.
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